Compositor: Elisabeth Kiernan Averick / Jack Dolgen
Still works!
Oh, man, this takes me back
Remember, guys?
Bonfires at billy's
We'd talk about our dreams
We'd get drunk and make out, ha
Cause a scene
Remind me who billy was again?
You know Billy
Late nights at the diner
We'd laugh and we'd cry
The diner
Smoking clove cigarettes
Ruthie serving us cheese fries
Is that why you guys always smelled like burnt cinnamon?
Climbing the water tower
Drunk on whiskey sours
Stealing the lard lad sign
That was you guys?
Remember the times
The best times
Of our lives
We had nothing but times
Remember the times
Okay, I might've missed some of those specific moments
But I'm sure I'll remember all the other ones
What else?
The Kegger at marge's
What an epic night
Wait, there was a party at my house?
Where was I?
She was at a tech run-through
Nowhere in sight
Guys, that's like, pretty messed up
Oh, yeah
I was at that super killer party, too
You weren't even in the show
Yeah, but I was cool!
Lenny fell off the roof
Marge's parents got sued
And had to file for bankruptcy
Is that why I couldn't go away to college?
Remember the time
When Jackie died
Wait, I thought Jackie moved
No one saw the signs
Together we cried
And then we made it about ourselves
When the reporter came
He worked for the times
Which one?
The New York Times
Such timey times
How'd I miss all of this?
We were all together
Except me